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2024 4th Power System and Green Energy Conference (PSGEC 2024) will be held in Holiday Inn shanghai Hongqiao· Shanghai, China during Aug. 22-24, 2024, which is organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, technically sponsored by Shanghai University of Electric Power, and IEEE Shanghai Section, supported by Specialized Committee on Digital Twin of Integrated Energy Systems, China Simulation Federation,Shandong University,Southeast University,and South China University of Technology, Chongqing University, Journals Center, China Electric Power Research Institute, Qingluan Technology (Chengdu) Co., Ltd, Shanghai Peike Technology Co., Ltd. and other 30 institutions. After years of hard work, the conference has established an influence that takes root in East China and radiates the whole country. It is expected that more than 300 experts and scholars from all over the world and domestic universities and national power grid will attend the conference. In order to improve the service quality of the conference and enrich the connotation of the conference, the organizing committee invites domestic and foreign units (enterprises) to send representatives to the conference and provide sponsorship for the conference. We look forward to working with you to expand the exchange of scholars and experts at home and abroad, and jointly promote the integration of industry, university and research in the field of power system and green energy!
由上海交通大学主办, 上海电力大学以及IEEE上海分会协办,仿真学会综合能源系统数学孪生专业委员会、山东大学、东南大学、华南理工大学、重庆大学、中国电科院期刊中心等30家单位提供支持的2024年第四届电力系统与绿色能源大会(PSGEC 2024)将于2024年8月22至24日在中国上海举行。经过多年耕耘,会议已经建立了扎根华东,辐射全国的影响力。预计将有来自世界各地与国内高等学校、国家电网的300余名专家学者参加会议。为了提升会议的服务质量,丰富会议活动内涵,组委会诚邀国内外的单位(企业)派代表参加会议,为会议提供赞助。期望能够与您一同合作,扩大国内外学者与单位(企业)专家的交流,共同促进电力系统、绿色能源领域的产学研结合!




(I) Publicity opportunities provided by the Conference 会议提供的宣传机会

1. Sponsor reputation 赞助名誉: The sponsor is listed in the publicity of the conference as the sponsor and support unit of the conference 赞助商作为会议的赞助支持单位列入会议宣传;
2. Exhibition 展览展示: Set up a display area outside the main venue during the meeting 会议召开期间在主会场外设置展示区;
3. Advertising 广告宣传: panel advertising, print advertising, etc 展板广告、印刷品广告等.


(II) The requirement that sponsoring enterprises should meet 赞助单位(企业)应符合的条件

1. Sponsoring enterprises and their products (or services) should be related to the power system, energy and other fields
2. Sponsoring enterprises should have a good social reputation
3. The products (or services) of the sponsoring enterprise should be well-known brands in their industry


(III) Confirmation of corporate sponsorship 赞助商的确认

After verifying the credit status of the sponsor, the conference organizer will sign a sponsorship agreement with the sponsor to specify the form, amount and delivery method of the sponsorship, as well as the rights and obligations of both parties. Financial sponsorship is subject to receipt.




If you have any questions or would like to discuss the opportunities about Sponsors & Exhibitors, please contact



Level 赞助级别
Benefits 可享受的服务
  • 1. The relevant columns of the conference website will publish special reports on the sponsoring enterprises, and the website will link to the relevant information of the sponsoring enterprises (website:, content is constantly being updated);
  • 2. Play promotional video of Sponsored enterprise before the opening ceremony (Chinese/English); (About 1 minute, prepared by the enterprise and submitted to the conference team for review in advance, it is recommended to be bilingual in Chinese/English).
  • 3. Senior management representatives (limited to 1) can attend the VIP dinner for free
    高级管理层代表(限1位)可以免费参加VIP 晚餐;
  • 4. Sponsor can nominate 1 expert to make a technical report (Breakout room, limited time, non-advertising)
  • 5. The conference fees are waived (including material expenses, meals and gifts) for 3 delegates
  • 6. The LOGO of the sponsoring company is showed on the conference website, programme and poster
  • 7. The LOGO of the sponsoring company is displayed on the strap and back of the attendance card
  • 8. The LOGO of the sponsoring company is displayed on the footer of the venue signs and guidance signs
  • 9. Sponsored enterprise exhibition booths (blue special exhibition area, booth size: 3m long * 2m wide (including table and chair light panels) are set up in a prominent position in the exhibition hall of the venue, as shown in the figure below
  • 1. The LOGO of the sponsoring company is showed on the conference website, programme and poster
  • 2. Sponsor can nominate 1 expert to make a technical report (Breakout room, limited time, non-advertising)
  • 3. The conference fees are waived (including material expenses, meals and gifts) for 2 delegates
  • 4. The LOGO of the sponsoring company is displayed on the footer of the venue signs and guidance signs
  • 5. Sponsored enterprise exhibition booths (blue special exhibition area, booth size: 3m long * 2m wide (including table and chair light panels) are set up in the exhibition hall of the venue
  • 1. The LOGO of the sponsoring company is showed on the conference website, programme and poster
  • 2. Sponsor can nominate 1 expert to make a technical report (Breakout room, limited time, non-advertising)
  • 3. The conference fees are waived (including material expenses, meals and gifts) for 1 delegate
  • 4. Sponsored enterprise exhibition booths (blue general exhibition area, Booth size: 1.8m long (table) * 2.5m high (background), including table and chair light plug board) are set up in a prominent position in the exhibition hall of the venue
    在会场外展厅显著位置设置赞助单位(企业)展位(绿色普展区域, 展位尺寸:1.8m长(桌)*2.5m高(背景)含桌椅灯插板);
  • 1. The LOGO of the sponsoring company is showed on the conference website, programme and poster materials
  • 2. The conference fees are waived (including material expenses, meals and gifts) for 1 delegate
  • 3. Sponsored enterprise exhibition booths (blue general exhibition area, Booth size: 1.8m long (table) * 2.5m high (background), including table and chair light plug board) are set up in a prominent position in the exhibition hall of the venue
    在会场外展厅显著位置设置赞助单位(企业)展位(绿色普展区域, 展位尺寸:1.8m长(桌)*2.5m高(背景)(含桌椅灯插板);


Special Exhibition booths (Frame Stand Style) 特展(框架展位式)
Size尺寸: 3m long * 2m wide * 2.5m high / 3m长*2m宽*2.5m高



General Exhibition booths (Background Board+One Table, Two Chairs) 普展(背景板+一桌两椅式)
Background board 背景板: 2m long * 2.5m high / 2m长*2.5m高
Table size 桌子尺寸: 1.8m long * 0.5m wide * 0.75m high / 1.8m长*0.5m宽*0.75m高



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